My training

                                                                      My  training

Since I started doing my unicycle regularly, I had to have real training so I started looking for what people were doing online and I found a lot of really cool training but none of them really work with me. After thinking for a while I decided to create my own training based on what I have seen on the Internet. After a month of thinking, I created to training schedule because I do two styles of unicycle. First, my first style of unicycle the first one I did is freestyle. freestyle is like in almost every sport when you say freestyle its more tricks there is not very a point like it's just me trying a new trick I saw online. Second is the mountain style I don't know what it's called in English but in French, it's called « hors-piste monocycle ». The mountain style is like when you do a mountain bike but only it's with a unicycle. Now we can start with the training schedule.

Monday is the most important day of my training because it's the day I really know if my training is going to be about freestyle or the mountain style, How its work is mostly with my mood because it's really not the same thing sometimes it's fun just being able to switch. First, of I choose freestyle it's going to be my jumping training. how my working training work it's first trying to jump the highest possible and I do this by piling wooden Planck (10 or 5 cm ) after I successfully jump one it's mean being able to jump it twice in a row I ad one more know, my high score is like 1 m 20 cm. the second part of the jumping training is multiple small jumps in the same without moving. How I do the multiple small jumps is by placing myself on a wooden Planck (20cm by 50cm), my high score is 140 jumps. The final part of the jumping training is actually falling. How the falling part work is actually very simple if I see something I am going to climb on it and fall on my unicycle to the ground, my high score is 3m. Second, if I choose the mountain style I am going to go to the local woods and just go the farthest I have ever been in the woods, my high score is 40 km, 20km going 20 returning.

Tuesday is a relaxation day usually I don't even look at my unicycle that day but sometimes I am going to go on a quick tour to relax my self on just to think alone peacefully.

Wednesday is a training day it's my favorite training day because it's the shortest one. If I had chosen freestyle Mondays it's going to be the backward training. How does it work? I am going to train my backward pedaling and the training ends if I break my high score (50m) or if it's been 45 min. If I had chosen the mountain style I am going to the same local woods but this time I am going to go the fastest to a specific place and not just go and stop when it is too hard to continue. How does it work? you are going to ask because after a point the training is going to be 15 minutes. The way I do this training is by when I start the training I will start a 30 minutes timer, my high score is 10 km.

Thursday is the same as Tuesday is my break day if I want to go on a little ride I will but usually, I spent this time o do my homework.

Friday is the training day I usually skip or forget if I have to do my homework and I am pretty late like for this blog ( hi Mr.Bougie) but if I do it it's actually very fun. when the chosen one for this week is freestyle it's the day I am going to look at some tricks online and tried them often I am not really able to do anything and I rage quit but sometimes I am able to do one and I am really happy. When the chosen one is the mountain style I will do a mix of the to first so I am going to start the timer and start my training the only change is that the time on the timer is never the same sometimes when I fell that my speed is worst than my endurance then I will out a smaller time on the timer but when it is the other way around I will just put a higher number so sadly it is the only training where I don't have a high score.

Saturday and Sunday are more like the same day because they are the cheat days I will do the training I want or just take it relax and sleep.

PS: I know it is not really complete it is because I was late writing on my blog because during the classes I played snake on the computer so because I really like it I am going to do a part two explaining why did I choose to place the training during those days, why did I do those training and not others and why I choose to have Saturday and Sunday because my cheat days. Even though I am not the best one in English and I am not the one with the time management skill I still, love writing on this blog, talking about my passion and hope we will see each other in the future on this blog.

Arnaud the unicycle blogger


  1. Cool Arnaud! I'm glad that you like writing on your blog. Hopefully you'll stop playing games in class and have less homework. Good save this time!

  2. Nice sport, I will probably try it soon.

  3. You seem very dedicated and passionate about your sport!


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